As you know about Shared Hosting it is a most popular web hosting. The people who cannot afford the price of dedicated hosting they simply choose Shared Hosting for their websites because shared hosting provides all the services like a dedicated web hosting with minimum cost. If you are thinking that if shared hosting provides all the services same as a dedicated web hosting then what is the difference between them. The only difference is that shared hosting shares its resources that means many websites hosting on same server and then all that websites share resources of that server according to their needs.

In Shared Hosting you can take all the advantages of a dedicated web hosting for just a little cost as compare dedicated hosting. As you know that all things have some advantages and some disadvantages. In shared hosting also you will find some disadvantages. Like your website may have more response time because many websites hosted on the same server and other websites also are using server’s resources.
This is the biggest disadvantage of shared hosting. Some more disadvantage also exist with it like your website may be easily hacked because other websites also hosted on the same server. If there all the websites use the same resource at the same time then the system also can fail at any time. Hacking may be more easily thing to any person because there is multiple users of the main server exist. So we can say that here you will not get more secure.
In shared hosting you will not get unlimited bandwidth. Bandwidth is a term that how much data you can transfer in a given time duration usually in a month. A server also has some limitations for their resources and in shared hosting other websites also require all the resources including bandwidth. So if you exceeded your bandwidth limit then your website will be down for remaining time and in that case your customers will switch on other website and you will get business loss.
As shared hosting has many disadvantages you have to use shared hosting if you have a small business and limited customers. Because it will provide you all the services same as a dedicated web hosting with a little cost.
In Shared Hosting One Web Server Hosts Number of Websites.Every User assigned some Space on Server.In Server hundred of or even Thousands of Websites.All Sites Using all Resources, like Bandwidth, Disc Space and Processor Speed, of Same Server