Tuesday, February 14, 2012

In this year 2012- 5 Mobile App Trends so popular

Mobile apps are a big part of our everyday world. The most popular mobile apps for 2012 will have unique features that cater to the mobile environment instead of just act as an extension of their online peers. Mobile applications will have a very competitive market this year and that suppliers proactively device that integrate innovative apps on the platform layer will have the competitive advantage.

Here are some of the trends of cutting edge mobile applications for 2012 year.

1. the Location-based service (LBS)

Location-based services provide features and functionality in harmony with their end user context, taking into account the location of the account user, personal preference, gender, age, giving a more intelligent user experience etc. An example of location-based services would Google Maps and FourSquare.

2. Social Networking

Mobile social networking is growing consumer. Mobile app quickly. To allow users to share video. Picture games, e-mail and instant messaging via mobile devices.

3. Mobile payment

Although mobile payments are the main stream this year, it will increase the amount of available applications. Service providers still have to work through the usability, ease of deployment and security for all end users to jump on board.

4. Mobile Video

Mobile phones with bigger screens and tablets offer the ideal platform for video consumption. In recent years increased use of video from a few occasional enterprises including their website, an essential competitive differentiator that can simplify operations quickly and promote a brand.

5. Mobile search

Mobile Search normally associated with the product or search sites. This year there will be more applications available to make purchases of products, book, buy a ticket, etc. easier for the end user.

What mobile applications would you like to see in 2012?

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