Basically web hosting industry really started to grow in 2003. At this point there were still almost no hosting directory web sites. From my experience, about 90% of web hosting reviews websites today are presenting fake, so it’s very difficult to make any judgment that who are honest in this field.
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As number of hosting companies increased exponentially, so today it is even more difficult to pick the correct hosting company based on web hosting reviews websites. So there are some tips that how to choose a good web hosting company
1 Check the Google page rank: it will show you that what is the rank or the position of the web site a good website must have a rank of 5 or 6.
2 By the origin date of the website: check out the origin date of the web site by its old reviews, you won’t get the original date but can get the date that is around.
3 Check for the bad reviews: Today there is no such website that has no bad review
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